What are some of the best business books?
To be a successful entrepreneur or a successful person in your life. Reading business books is a way to achieve that purpose.
Reading business books it gives you knowledge. And improves your skills, saving you money, and improves your creativity. Reading business books isn't a waste of time, it's gain you time.
Here are some reading habits of the most successful entrepreneurs:
- Warren Buffett spends five to six hours per day reading five newspapers.
- Bill Gates reads over 50 books per year.
- Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks.
- Mark Cuban reads more than 3 hours every day.
This list is the best-selling business book of all time.
1. Zero to One
Zero To One is an inside look at Peter Thiel’s philosophy. This is a strategy book that helps you make your startup going from nothing to something, from nonentity to existence, This book is what every entrepreneur should read and must re-read. Read Now.
Ratings: 133,955 Reviews: 4,833 Page count: 224
Book chapters:
Chapter 1: The Challenge of The Future.
Chapter 2: Party Like It's 1999.
Chapter 3: All Happy Companies Are Different.
Chapter 4: The Ideology of Competition.
Chapter 5: Last Mover Advantage.
Chapter 6: You Are Not a Lottery Ticket.
Chapter 7: Follow The Money.
Chapter 8: Secrets.
Chapter 2: Party Like It's 1999.
Chapter 3: All Happy Companies Are Different.
Chapter 4: The Ideology of Competition.
Chapter 5: Last Mover Advantage.
Chapter 6: You Are Not a Lottery Ticket.
Chapter 7: Follow The Money.
Chapter 8: Secrets.
What are you going to learn:
- Don't clone but create.
- Don't compete but innovate.
- Solve big problems and try different ways.
- Create your monopoly and do network meetings.
- Follow the money and 80-20 rule.
- Plan long term goals.
- Take responsibility and define clear rules for team members.
- Creating value and do more with less.
- Incentive+Invite = Viral strategy.
- Solve big problems and try different ways.
- Create your monopoly and do network meetings.
- Follow the money and 80-20 rule.
- Plan long term goals.
- Take responsibility and define clear rules for team members.
- Creating value and do more with less.
- Incentive+Invite = Viral strategy.
2.The $100 Startup
The $100 Startup is Chris Guillebeau’s second book. It’s very likely to be the only book everyone needs to start and run a successful business with a small team (1 to 5 members).
And very modest investments (often less than $100). Read Now.
Page count: 304 Ratings: 44,699 Reviews: 1,544
Book Chapters:
Chapter 1. Renaissance.
Chapter 2. Give them the fish.
Chapter 3. Follow your passion...Maybe.
Chapter 4. The rise of the roaming entrepreneur.
Chapter 5. The new demographics.
Chapter 6. The one-page business plan.
Chapter 7. An offer you can't refuse.
Chapter 8. Launch!
Chapter 9. Hustling: The gentle art of self-promotion.
Chapter 10. Show me the money.
Chapter 11. Moving on up.
Chapter 12. How to franchise yourself.
Chapter 13. Going long.
Chapter 14. But what if I fail.
- If you're good at one thing, you're probably good at something else.
- Be aware of opportunities
- Divide your time between work and talk.
- Bootstrap and fast-track.
- Think like an entrepreneur and Invest in winners.
- Focus on organic growth over traditional advertising.
- Choose a lifestyle.
Chapter 2. Give them the fish.
Chapter 3. Follow your passion...Maybe.
Chapter 4. The rise of the roaming entrepreneur.
Chapter 5. The new demographics.
Chapter 6. The one-page business plan.
Chapter 7. An offer you can't refuse.
Chapter 8. Launch!
Chapter 9. Hustling: The gentle art of self-promotion.
Chapter 10. Show me the money.
Chapter 11. Moving on up.
Chapter 12. How to franchise yourself.
Chapter 13. Going long.
Chapter 14. But what if I fail.
What are you going to learn:
- Listen to your advisors and Follow some passions.- If you're good at one thing, you're probably good at something else.
- Be aware of opportunities
- Divide your time between work and talk.
- Bootstrap and fast-track.
- Think like an entrepreneur and Invest in winners.
- Focus on organic growth over traditional advertising.
- Choose a lifestyle.
3. Start with Why
This spectacular book presents the idea that great leaders inspire everyone to take action. By putting the purpose before the process and the product. Which means putting the WHY before the HOW and the WHAT. Read Now.
Author: Simon Sinek Page count: 255 Ratings: 87,319 Reviews: 4,678
Part 1: A world that Doesn't start with why.
Part 2: An alternative perspective part.
Part 3: Leaders need a following part.
Part 3: Leaders need a following part.
Part 4: How to rally those who believe.
What are you going to learn:
- If you want to inspire others, always communicate with your why first.- What happened when Simon found his why.
- The best businesses are built by excited employees.
- When you start with why there’s no need for sleazy sales tactics.
- Why businesses are more stable if they start with why.
- What happens when a company’s why disappears with the founder.
4. The 4-Hour Workweek
The book is on lifestyle design. It is for anyone that wants to put living before working. Not only how to design our ideal lifestyle but also exactly how to get there. Read Now.
The book is so full of practical life-changing advice, I recommend you to read it.
Rating: 139,137 Reviews: 5,736 Page count: 308 page
Book Chapters:
Step I: D is for definition.
Step II: E is for elimination.
Step III: A is for automation.
Step IV: L is for liberation.
The last chapter: An email you need to read.
What are you going to learn:
- What the critical difference is between absolute and relative income.- How to train your boss to value performance over presence, Or kill your job (or company) if it's beyond repair.
- What automated cash-flow ''muses'' are? and how to create one in 2 to 4 weeks.
- How to cultivate selective ignorance? And create time with a low information diet.
- What the management secrets of remote control CEOs are?
- How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50%-80% off.
- How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office.
5. The Hard Thing About Hard Things
This book is an inside look at the tough decisions and lonely times all CEOs face. This book shows you what it takes to build a great organization and become a world-class leader. Ben focused on the CEO, leadership lessons, particularly the peacetime, wartime CEO thoughts. Read Now.
Rating: 42,214 Reviews: 2,272 Page count: 304
The book chapters:
Chapter 1: From Communist to Venture Capitalist
Chapter 2: “I Will Survive”
Chapter 3: This Time With Feeling
Chapter 4: When Things Fall Apart
Chapter 5: Take Care of the People, The Products, and the Profits–In That Order
Chapter 6: Concerning the Going Concern
Chapter 7: How to Lead Even When You Don’t Know Where You Are Going
Chapter 8: First rule of entrepreneurship: There are no rules.
Chapter 9: The end of the beginning
Chapter 2: “I Will Survive”
Chapter 3: This Time With Feeling
Chapter 4: When Things Fall Apart
Chapter 5: Take Care of the People, The Products, and the Profits–In That Order
Chapter 6: Concerning the Going Concern
Chapter 7: How to Lead Even When You Don’t Know Where You Are Going
Chapter 8: First rule of entrepreneurship: There are no rules.
Chapter 9: The end of the beginning
What are you going to learn:
- Being scared doesn’t mean you are gutless.- an important rule of raising money.
- Personal Learnings.
- Product Strategy.
- Learning as a CEO.
- Peacetime vs Wartime CEOs.
- Lead Bullets vs Silver Bullets.
- Take care of people, products, and profits, in that order.
6. Think and Grow Rich
Think and grow rich learns you the art of changing your minds From failure consciousness to success consciousness. Napoleon explores the influence that personal beliefs have on us and our success.
This book shows you how to transform your thoughts into tangible trophies of achievement. Reading this book will change everything in your life. Read Now.
Rating: 173,319 Reviews: 5,454 Page count: 238
The book chapters:
Chapter 1 – Thoughts Are Things
Chapter 2 – Desire
Chapter 3 – Faith
Chapter 4 – Autosuggestion
Chapter 5 – Specialized Knowledge
Chapter 6 – Imagination
Chapter 7 – Organized Planning
Chapter 8 – Decision
Chapter 9 – Persistence
Chapter 10 – Power of The Mastermind
Chapter 11 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind
Chapter 13 – The Brain
Chapter 14 – The Sixth Sense
Chapter 15 – The Six Ghosts of Fear
Chapter 2 – Desire
Chapter 3 – Faith
Chapter 4 – Autosuggestion
Chapter 5 – Specialized Knowledge
Chapter 6 – Imagination
Chapter 7 – Organized Planning
Chapter 8 – Decision
Chapter 9 – Persistence
Chapter 10 – Power of The Mastermind
Chapter 11 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind
Chapter 13 – The Brain
Chapter 14 – The Sixth Sense
Chapter 15 – The Six Ghosts of Fear
What are you going to learn:
- Everything which is tangible began as a thought
- Win or quit, pick a side
- Our minds receive ideas from the universe
- If you have a burning desire for something, you can achieve it
- Failures don't mean that you have failed
- Have faith
- Implementing your idea is the most important - step of achieving your dreams
- The Important Take Away
- Win or quit, pick a side
- Our minds receive ideas from the universe
- If you have a burning desire for something, you can achieve it
- Failures don't mean that you have failed
- Have faith
- Implementing your idea is the most important - step of achieving your dreams
- The Important Take Away
7. Good to Great
Good to great explain how good is the antonym of grat. And shows you how some companies make a leap and others don't. It is now widely regarded as a modern classic of management theory. Read Now.
Rating: 112,671 Reviews: 4,017 Page count: 320
Rating: 112,671 Reviews: 4,017 Page count: 320
The book chapters:
Chapter 1: Good is the Enemy of Great
Chapter 2: Level 5 Leadership
Chapter 3: First Who, Then What
Chapter 4: Confront the Brutal Facts (Yet Never Lose Faith)
Chapter 5: The Hedgehog Concept (Simplicity Within the Three Circles)
Chapter 6: A Culture of Discipline
Chapter 7: Technology Accelerators
Chapter 8: The Flywheel and the Doom Loop
Chapter 9: From Good to Great to Built to Last
- Confront the Brutal Facts
- The Hedgehog Concept
- A Culture of Discipline
- Technology Accelerators
- The flywheel effect
- The Good to Great process
Chapter 2: Level 5 Leadership
Chapter 3: First Who, Then What
Chapter 4: Confront the Brutal Facts (Yet Never Lose Faith)
Chapter 5: The Hedgehog Concept (Simplicity Within the Three Circles)
Chapter 6: A Culture of Discipline
Chapter 7: Technology Accelerators
Chapter 8: The Flywheel and the Doom Loop
Chapter 9: From Good to Great to Built to Last
What are you going to learn:
- Get the right people on the bus- Confront the Brutal Facts
- The Hedgehog Concept
- A Culture of Discipline
- Technology Accelerators
- The flywheel effect
- The Good to Great process
8. The Lean Startup
In today’s changing world The Lean Startup shares with us a method to develop and manage startups. It also shares a systematic, scientific way for business managers to get the information they need to make fast decisions... Read Now.
Rating: 185,384 Reviews: 2,820 Page count: 336
The book chapters:
Chapter 1: Vision
Chapter 2: Steer
Chapter 3: Accelerate
- Searching for a viable business model.
- Additional Lean Startup Concepts.
- Test Frequently and Learn Quickly.
- Observe and Measure Real Customer Behaviour.
- Focus Exclusively on Capturing Actionable Metrics.
- Be Comfortable Pivoting based on Key Learnings.
- Embrace New Accounting Methods.
Chapter 2: Steer
Chapter 3: Accelerate
What are you going to learn:
- What are the key tenets of the approach?- Searching for a viable business model.
- Additional Lean Startup Concepts.
- Test Frequently and Learn Quickly.
- Observe and Measure Real Customer Behaviour.
- Focus Exclusively on Capturing Actionable Metrics.
- Be Comfortable Pivoting based on Key Learnings.
- Embrace New Accounting Methods.
9. Rework
Rework shows a faster, easier way to be a successful entrepreneur. Read it to know why business plans are harmful. In this book, Fried tells you why you don't need outside investors. And why you're better off ignoring the competition. Read Now.
Rating: 128,056 Reviews: 3,714 Page count: 288
The book chapters:
Chapter 1.First
Chapter 2.Takedowns
Chapter 3. Go
Chapter 4.Progress
Chapter 5.Productivity
Chapter 6.Competitors
Chapter 7.Evolution
Chapter 8. Promotion
Chapter 9.Hiring
Chapter 10.Damage control
Chapter 11.Culture
Chapter 12.Conclusion
- Screw big corporate marketing, stay honest, personal, and nimble.
- Don’t let long hours and meetings prevail, they actually hurt productivity.
Chapter 2.Takedowns
Chapter 3. Go
Chapter 4.Progress
Chapter 5.Productivity
Chapter 6.Competitors
Chapter 7.Evolution
Chapter 8. Promotion
Chapter 9.Hiring
Chapter 10.Damage control
Chapter 11.Culture
Chapter 12.Conclusion
What are you going to learn:
- Take a stand for something you believe in and then pick a fight with an incumbent.- Screw big corporate marketing, stay honest, personal, and nimble.
- Don’t let long hours and meetings prevail, they actually hurt productivity.
10. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is to help you lead your life in a truly effective way. Covey defines effectiveness as the balance of obtaining desirable results. With caring for that which produces those results.
Rating: 444,559 Reviews: 8,923 Page count: 381
The book chapters:
Habit 1 – Be proactive.
Habit 2 – Begin with the end in mind.
Habit 2 – Begin with the end in mind.
Habit 2 – Put first things first.
Habit 4 – Seek to understand, The be understood.
Habit 5 – Think “Win/Win”.
Habit 6 – Synergize.
Habit 7 – Sharpen the saw.
- Developing teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills.
- Moving from independence to interdependence.
- Continuous growth and improvement and embodies all the other habits.
Habit 6 – Synergize.
Habit 7 – Sharpen the saw.
What are you going to learn:
- Self-mastery and moving from dependence to independence.- Developing teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills.
- Moving from independence to interdependence.
- Continuous growth and improvement and embodies all the other habits.
I do not tell you that is reading business books will make you a successful entrepreneur. But to master any matter in any field you have to read a book about that industry.
For me a book enables you to think and then rethink, you can go deeper in a book than you can in any other medium. reading books is more effective.
youtube+online learning platform + podcast = one valuable book
it's a thinking smart equation, it's a saving big and gets valuable content from the most experienced person that field.
youtube: you will learn something but miss a lot of things.
online learning platform: expensive but not that valuable.
A book: from inspiration to creativity, not expensive, valuable, and beneficial content.
This article was written with love and care, Make sure to share with us your favorite business book.
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